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St Clare's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we learn to love and love to learn


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Owl's Class Page!


We are a class of 30 year 3 pupils. Our teacher is Mrs Konikowska. Our Class LSA is Miss Ransom.


During the Summer Term, our topic will be Emperors and Empires.


All children have been given their book bands. Please encourage your child to read and practise the times tables every day and record it in the Reading Record.  Little and often is best.


On a Thursday, Mrs Wallington teaches us music, Mrs Rees teaches us Topic, Mrs Page teaches us Science.

Our P.E. day (this term) is Tuesday so please wear your school P.E. kits to school on this day. No earrings or items of jewellery are allowed and long hair must be tied back. Children will not be able to participate in the P.E. session if these guidelines are not followed.


Please make sure that children have their own water bottles that they can bring to school daily. Please make sure that the bottle is named. Please label all clothes clearly with the children's names.


Class Dojo is our main point of contact. We will update this platform regularly. If you ever have any non-urgent questions or queries, please send a message through this platform and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.


Our break is at 10:35 and lunchtime starts at 12:20. Healthy snack from home are allowed during break time. Please make sure they are healthy - crisps and cakes, chocolate bars are not allowed.


Homework will be sent home every Friday and should be returned the following Friday. If your child struggles with any of the tasks, please let me know before Friday when homework is due.

We are looking forward to a fun-filled term! smiley


Thank you for your support,

Mrs Konikowska

Miss Ransom
